Wordsearch - for 2 to 4 players Ages 8 and up
Wordsearch gameboard and 96 wood letter tiles
Randomly place the letter tiles, face up on every gray circle. The four red circles in the center of the board are left empty. Choose a player to go first. Score with paper and pencil (not included)
The active player slides one or more letters to make a word according to the following rules:
A) Each letter must be moved in a straight line - horizontally, vertically or diagonally - one or more spaces. A letter must not jump over another letter or change directions.
B) Each letter MUST form part of the word being made. A letter may not be moved out of the way to let another letter through.
C) The word formed may include letters which the players has not moved.
D) The word formed may read forwards or backwards, horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.
E) Only one word may be formed or scored on a turn.
After forming the word, players add up the values of the letters in the word formed and multiply by the number of letters in the word.