Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game is a 5 scenarios long campaign game. Detective: Season One includes 3 stand-alone Cases that can be played with different groups and have no overarching story, Each Case in Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game has 36 cards and takes about 3 hours to solve.
Detective: Season One is being released four years later, and what’s more important, eleven Cases later. Our development team has learned a lot about the system, players’ expectations, has read feedback from all over the world and became much better prepared to design each new Case for the game. Cases are shorter, and yet as much engaging as the longer ones. The text on the cards is shorter, and yet, provides as much information and clues as in the original game. Over these four years, we have learned more about every part of the game, and we have improved it. Detective: Season One presents one of the best Cases designed for Detective yet. They are sharp, witty, engaging. And we cannot wait for your feedback and keep improving!