Someone in the Netflix marketing department had an epiphany: House of Cards and Cards Against Humanity both contain the word "cards." When we got a phone call from Netflix, we enthusiastically agreed that the two products indeed contain the word "cards." One month and many brainstorming sessions later, we completed the House of Cards Pack: 25 brand-new cards about power, politics, passive-aggressive handjobs, and other scenes that we can never unsee. - Cards Against Humanity
The expansion packs include Mad Libs-style quotes from House of Cards and ribs against Netflix itself, while the cards for filling in those blanks include the type of over-the-top inappropriateness you'd expect from the game — this time with just a bit of a political twist.
Though Netflix and Cards Against Humanity were initially giving out printed sets of the expansion pack for free, they ran out of stock after just two hours. However, you can print out a PDF of all the cards for free.
*This is not a standalone game - it requires a copy of Cards Against Humanity to play.